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When questioned as to any blurred lines between his namesake aesthetic and what he’s up to at Hugo Boss, Wu replies, “They’re definitely separate houses. But Boss has changed the way I look at the business. The biggest influence has really been thinking bigger picture.” Not that he hasn’t pulled off a similar effect before, but this collection did feel very commercially appealing.Be sure, Kate Bush is bewitching us all over again. The British chanteuse emerged from her self-imposed stage exile with her triumphant Before the Dawn concert series earlier this year, and her idiosyncratic style has been humming through the collections ever since—not least at Chloé.A micro-floral dress with fluted poet sleeves brought an offbeat romanticism to the new pre-fall collection, as did fluid ruched shirts and roll-neck blouses. For evening, slashed column dresses trailed the floor and glistened with Lurex stars, stained-glass paisley, and spiraling Art Nouveau florals. Those delicate looks came with the comforting bear hug of blanket capes and savage shearlings. One standout shaggy afghan coat was patchworked with carpet tapestry and fur, bringing a sense of Parisian bourgeois luxury to the ephemeral free spirit. "louis vuitton perforated speedy ,"Thanks to dozens of donors who dumped their furs in favor of kindness, PETA is able to forward a basal bulletin about accepting benevolence for animals this winter - and those alone humans badly defective basal aliment accept any alibi to abrasion fur," PETA administrator Mimi Bekhechi told us. "We're calling on affectionate humans to accumulate the abandoned in their hearts this Christmas and to appearance benevolence for animals at the aforementioned time by altruistic any absolute fur items to those in need." "lavorare per louis vuitton
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